Repercussions of Masturbation

{{NSFW}}John Stalvern 'baited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air.

There where parents outside the door. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for minutes. His warnings to leave him alone where not listened to, and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a masturbator for 5 years. When he was young he watched the pornos and said to Friend: "I want to masturbate!" Friend said "No! YOU WILL BE INTERRUPT BY PARENTS!"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered, he stopped. But now, in the bathroom of his house, he knew there where parents.
"This is Playboy" The magazine crackered. "You must have the orgasm!"
So John gotted his penis and started to blew it up.
"He gonna masturbate!" said the parents.

"I will interrupt him!" said the Dad, and he knockeded the door.
John fappeded and tried to popped his cherry, but then the door opened and he was trapped and not able to masturbate.
"No! I must have the orgasm!"

The magazine said "No John, you ARE the orgasm."
And then John was a money shot.